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From Kitchen to Hearth: A Basic Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

2nd Mar 2024

The World Of Homemade Bread

Welcome to the world of homemade goodness! If you've ever wondered about the simple joy of baking your own bread, this whole wheat bread recipe is the perfect starting point. With just a handful of ingredients and a touch of enthusiasm, you can create a wholesome loaf that not only fills your kitchen with that comforting aroma but also nourishes your body. Whether you're a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned home cook, join us in exploring the ease and delight of baking a basic yet delicious whole wheat bread. Let's roll up our sleeves, dust the countertop with flour, and embark on a journey to craft a homemade loaf that's as satisfying to make as it is to savor. Looking for a great Homemade bread slicer? We found one!

Honey Whole Wheat Bread

Makes two loaves

1 lb whole wheat flour

12 oz hot water

8 ounces bread or all-purpose flour

1 5 oz can evaporated milk (or milk, or more water or soy if you are vegan)

1/3 cup honey

2 teaspoons salt

3 teaspoons instant yeast an additional

1/2-1 cup flour, as necessary, to achieve the desired consistency

Mix the hot water and whole wheat flour together in a bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic and set aside until around room temperature, at least 1 hour.

Add the milk, honey, salt, yeast, and bread flour to the original mixture and mix until well combined. Add additional flour and knead by hand or in a stand mixer until a tacky but not completely sticky dough is formed.

Place the ball of dough in a well-oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside to rise for 60 to 90 minutes.

Divide the dough in two and shape the loaves. Place the loaves in greased bread pans, cover the pans loosely with plastic (I put them in a plastic bag), and set aside to rise again for 90 minutes.

During the final 30 minutes of rising, preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Place the pans into the oven and immediately reduce the oven temperature to 375 degrees. Bake for approximately 45 to 55 minutes, rotating the pans once so that they brown evenly, until the internal temperature of the loaves is around 190 degrees and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.

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